In addition to the main view, Word has the following commonly used views and areas: The File menu You can also use keyboard shortcuts to select options directly. For the ribbon keyboard shortcuts, refer to Use the keyboard to work with the ribbon in Word. To navigate between options on the ribbon, press the Tab key, Shift+Tab, or the Right or Left arrow key.

You hear the name of the first option on the ribbon. To navigate from the row of ribbon tabs to the ribbon, press the Tab key or the Down arrow key once. To navigate the row of ribbon tabs, press the Left or Right arrow key until you hear the name of the tab or control you want, and press Enter to select it. When the focus moves to the ribbon tabs, you hear "Ribbon tabs," followed by the currently selected tab. The ribbon containing the options specific to the currently selected tab is located below the row of ribbon tabs. The row of ribbon tabs, which includes tabs such as File, Home, Insert, Review, View, and the Share and Comments buttons. To navigate the status bar, use the Right and Left arrow keys. You hear the current page number when the focus is on the status bar, for example, "Page two of three." The status bar at the bottom of the screen where you can find document statistics such as page count, word count, text language, and zoom level. You hear the name of the document, followed by "Editing," when the focus is on the document content. The main content area, which shows the document content.

When you open a Word document for editing, you land on the main view. To cycle between the elements in the main view, press the F6 (forward) or Shift+F6 (backward). To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft Office. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program. New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet.